If i hear one more time how everyone is so glad that people getting welfare benefits are getting drug tested, i am gonna fucking scream.
First of all, i know a lot of single moms that get benefits from the state and there is no such thing as a free ride in OHIO. People in need can sign up for a medical card or food stamp benefits with just proving that they are low income or no income and have children at home. The misconception that the state is handing out money hand over fist is wrong. To get any type of monetary benefits from the state of Ohio, you have to agree to a few things.
You first have to agree to find a job or agree to go to a job that they find for you. That may be working at McDonald's or picking up trash around town. If you have a job and don't go, you get sanctioned to where they take your cash as punishment. The Ohio Works First Program is just that, you have to work to get your benefits. And i don't call anything you work for FREE!
The second thing you have to agree to is Financial Counseling. Now while we all could use some skills on stretching the dollar, i find it ridiculous to make someone go to financial classes when they barely have enough cash to pay their bills; how are they going to save for the future making minimum wage?
Another aspect of the OWF program is, they make couples go to counseling...Marriage counseling. Now suddenly the state is an expert on what makes a marriage work. I don't have a problem with the counseling aspect, i do have a problem with it being madatory. You can't fix something unless it's broken and diving into someone's personal life is of no business of the State of OHIO.
Everyone is so hell bent on the people who receive welfare benefits taking a drug test before they get their benefit. Fine....Great....but it's missing the real problem...by a mile. It's been my experience that most single moms don't have time to party it up on illegal drugs or legal ones for that matter.
The real problem (that I see) around Hamilton, is the abuse of the Social Security system. I see able bodied men and women getting 3 x's the benefits of the welfare program and no one is asking for a drug test from them. They brag about how much they get for themselves and their kids; if a parent is "disabled" then so is their child and they get benefits also. It has also been my experience and observation living on the North End that more than half of these S.S. people use drugs and are addicted. Heroin use in this part of town has doubled in the past five years (thank u officer skippy) and there doesnt seem to be a decline in sight. With the heroin use comes abuse of prescription pills; when they can't get their fix they resort to pills to take away some of the sickness. And then there are the usual suspects that do their daily alcohol, marijuana and prescription pills. Oh, and let's not forget the crackheads....can't forget the crackheads! Who is testing these people? Why aren't they tested? Social Security gives more benefit dollars then welfare but i don't see anyone drug testing their asses!
Why such a double standard? You wan't to find some extra money for the United States in this shitty economy? Write a letter to your congressman and ask why Social security people arent being drug tested!
I'm sick of taxpayer dollars funding the buzz for the lazy ass people of this town. You want to start the day with a beer or a crackpipe in your hand? Great, but youre not gonna do it on my dime.
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